Who Are You Anyway?

Who Are You Anyway? - Dainty London
This is my first blog post EVER. I basically wanted to introduce myself so you know who you are buying your jewellery from. I am not a factory in China. I am not a mass produced item. I am not a computer generated design... I am simply a one (wo)man band in a quirky little workshop.
Every single piece of my jewellery was designed by me and made by me. When you place your order I actually do a little bum shaking happy dance and rush out to my gorgeous workshop to start making your little piece of jewellery. 
So who the heck am I? 
My story is that I grew up in Bude, a small seaside town in Cornwall (which is where all my seashell jewellery is inspired from). I left home at the age of 18 to study Nursing in Bristol. I nursed at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, London for 10 years and worked with babies & children undergoing heart surgery and heart transplants. It was really hard work physically, socially & emotionally. On top of that, we had to endure the pay cuts, being overworked, over tired and over stretched, and it began to take its toll. I realised that being a ‘caring’ person just wasn’t enough anymore and I was drastically heading for 'burn out'.
So, I worked endless extra shifts, became very frugal with my finances and saved up what I could so I could invest into a different career path. I’ve always been very creative and love designing so I enrolled into a two year adult education course to study Silversmithing & Jewellery design at The Goldsmiths Centre & The City Literary Institute, London.
After completing the courses I slowly started contemplating the idea of starting a business. I was selling lots of jewellery to friends & family, and then friends of friends through social media. One day, randomly through Instagram, someone from Ted Talks contacted me. They were hosting a Ted Talk on Feminism in Kings College, London and asked me if I would exhibit. Nervously, I agreed and that really was the start of my journey. I completely sold out of everything at that event.
My boyfriend at the time (now husband) was my biggest cheerleader and would always give me totally honest and sometimes brutal feedback about my designs. After having our first baby daughter 18 months ago he suggested that we use all our savings to invest into the Dainty London Jewellery business and do that full time, rather than return to Nursing.
This idea benefited me in many ways, I get to work from home, I get to do a job I love, and mostly, I get to be with my babies and work my own hours. Win Win...
Dainty London Jewellery was officially launched last winter and in the last year the business has gone from strength to strength. I have exhibited at Top Drawer at London Olympia, featured on the Love My Dress bridal blog, featured at London Fashion Week, had my jewellery worn by a number of celebrities & more recently worn by influencers (such as @dresslikeamum, @blossomingbirds, @laurabingham93 and @thewhitethistle). I have set up jewellery making workshops (which I have won a Gold Award for.. woop!), been approached by British Vogue (yes you heard that right, British Vogue...waaaa), partnered with high street brand Joules, and most of exciting of all, I have been shortlisted for the Inspiring Independent 2019 Award through the Retail Jeweller magazine. 
Oh, and on top of that, in the last 3 years I got married (to the most wonderful man), brought a house, a puppy, and had two beautiful baby girls.
So, after that loooong spiel, this is me. I am a real person. I love what I do and I hope that reflects in the ring wrapped around your finger.
With Love,
Jade x
P.s I think if you have a vision or a chance to change a direction in life then take it with both hands. Life is way too short... I saw that first hand in my nursing days, so take the opportunities available to you now and be brave.
London Jewellery Studio. Jewellery DesignerDainty London Jewellery. Jewellery WorkshopJewellery Making Workshop. Silversmith. Goldsmith
little family. personalised jewellery. mummy jewellery
jewellery quotes. inspirational quotes. shopping

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